Funding and annual reports

Thanks to our amazing supporters, together we've helped tens of thousands of people to rebuild their lives after torture.

How we are funded

We are an independent UK charity, and the leading organisation in the UK dedicated to the support and protection of torture survivors.

We rely on donations from generous individuals for almost three-quarters of our funding. The rest comes from trusts and foundations. We accept a small amount of funding from certain parts of government such as the Ministry of Justice and the Scottish government, for specific projects. We do not accept funding from the Home Office. 

We will never allow our voice to be compromised by those who fund us, and we are always honest about how we spend our money.

All of our fundraising activities are driven by the needs of the survivors we help and are conducted with our generous supporters in mind. We ensure that we do not engage in practices that are inconsistent with Freedom from Torture’s values and have established principles to maintain this. Our Supporter promise highlights these principles and is openly available to all supporters and members of the public. 

Read our Articles of Association.

Annual Reports and Accounts

These show our aims for the year, where our funding has come from and how that money was spent.

How we spend our money

Without our generous supporters, our work would not be possible.
In 2019, for every £1 donated, 71p went to our services helping people who have been tortured. The rest of the money was used to run our organisation and raise more funds to help even more survivors.

You made me feel that life was something to hold on to. I learned to love life again. For example, slowly, slowly I am getting better, I am learning English and the fear is going. I now feel like a human again and that I am actually living. You have made me feel like I have another chance to work towards my dreams.

Shorsh, torture survivor from Iraq

75% of our funding comes from individuals like you.

Make a life-changing impact by donating today.